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Product workflows

Showing 3

Enable filtering on custom data

Extend the proposed asset data filtering to the extended custom asset data. This will enable a user to apply filtering on customer defined extended asset data. I wonder if the user could choose which custom table to display in a data grid. Could b...
Tony Andrews 12 months ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 0 Gathering support

CCTV inspections should have their own data grid

This request is for a dedicated data grid in which CCTV inspection hearder details should be viewable. Inspections can then be filtered, sorted etc. Even better if this data grid could be hooked up to a dedicated asset condition map integrated wit...
Tony Andrews 10 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing / Inspection & Media Management Workflows / Map visualization / Product workflows 0 Gathering support

Ability to generate Valve Criticality calculations (critical bounded areas, number of customers impacted by area, gpm per area, etc)

This is a more detailed and accurate way to assess impact on critical customers compared to tools such as spatial proximity.
Martha Nunez 11 months ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 3 Gathering support