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Info360 Insight

Showing 23

Make it easier to move around in the charts

I want to move just a little bit to the left or right in the charts, but there is no way to easily do that now. Help!
Pete Mcintosh about 1 month ago in Info360 Insight 0 Launched

Mass Balance on 15 minute interval

As a utility with DMA's, we need to track the net flow going into each area with a finer resolution so we can trigger alerts quickly and leverage the net consumption in hydraulic models with accurate peak flows.
Nathan Gerdts over 1 year ago in Info360 Insight / Tools / Analytics 0 Launched

Allow configurable On and Off values for pump statuses

Some systems report pump status "0" for off and "1" for on. Others report "1" and "2" respectively. It would be nice for this to be a global setting so that pump performance, pump status charts, the pump station dashboard can all use the right val...
Pete Mcintosh 11 months ago in Info360 Insight / Spatial Data 0 Launched

Make Y-axis labels match the color of the series in historic charts

If I have a bunch of y axes it starts to get hard to interpret when they aren't color coded to match the series in the chart. Please match the y-axis label with the series label.
Pete Mcintosh 12 months ago in Info360 Insight / Workspaces 0 Launched

Easy way to throw a group of sensors into a chart

When creating charts in workspaces, I often want more than one sensor in the chart. Creating a chart then adding them one-by-one is too slow.I want to manage sensor groupings which can be applied into charts.Also I may want to direclty select mult...
Nathan Gerdts almost 4 years ago in Info360 Insight 0 Launched

Facility Comparison Grid View

I want to cross compare multiple sensor readouts from different facilities of the same type / UoM. I want this in a very easy to read grid view. Also make it very easy for me to create a quick pop up chart for a selected series or to add a series ...
Pete Mcintosh 12 months ago in Info360 Insight / Facilities 0 Launched

Allow y-axis grouping in historic charts

Users may have multiple time series data sets in chart that fall into data groupings. For example a single chart with multiple flow or pressure sensors. They want to be able to group those by type in the chart so that all the flow sensors use the ...
Pete Mcintosh 12 months ago in Info360 Insight / Workspaces 0 Launched

Sensor Inventory table for users

As a user, I want to search and sort a table of all my Info360 sensors to see what I have and how they're preforming. This should be available to all users. Basic features: Search and sort sensors Review data availability: Earliest data datetime, ...
Nathan Gerdts almost 4 years ago in Info360 Insight 1 Launched

It would be great if you could select a workspace owner from the list of users

For a customer with many workspaces, this will make it easier for users to locate workspaces that have been set up on their behalf. The user could slect workspaces using favourite or search by owner.
Brad Thompson over 1 year ago in Info360 Insight / Workspaces 0 Launched

Reset/defualt button for the map

The map stays at the same location after moving around and changing pages. It would be great if there is a reset button to reset the map to a default location that user has specified.
Ayden Baran almost 2 years ago in Info360 Insight / Map 0 Launched